Wish you were here? It was a common message on seaside postcards of the past, sent back to relatives and friends who weren’t enjoying the fabulous holiday you were, left behind in a horrible, hot city, probably toiling nine to five in a joyless, airless office.
With social media channels, postcards are pretty much redundant nowadays, but the premise is the same: Wish you were here?
So here’s our top 10 of great things to do here in Norfolk that you can use to show everyone what a great time you’re having…
Playing on the beach
Norfolk has 90 miles of coastline, studded with miles and miles of fabulous, unspoilt sand. Just find the spot to flop!
Best secret beaches in Norfolk
Dog-friendly beaches in Norfolk
Paddling in the sea
It’s a given. What better way to cool off than getting your feet wet in the briny!
The best seaside paddling in Norfolk
Catching crabs
A great way for little nippers to get close to some other little nippers!
Delving into a rockpool
What might you find in there? Norfolk has some great spots for aquatic adventure.
How to go rock pooling in Norfolk
Family fun at a theme park
We’ve got loads of them – you’re sure to find something to suit your needs. Want to burn off steam? Learn about nature or exotic animals? Get an adrenaline rush?
Go on a magical history tour
If you want to learn some nuggets of history to amaze your friends, then a trip to one of Norfolk’s top 10 museums is for you.
Take a trip to see the seals
For real adventure take a boat from Morston or Blakeney quays to see the amazing seals at Blakeney Spit. It’s the largest colony in the country!
Where to see the seals in Norfolk
Go on a heritage steam railway
We’ve got loads of them in Norfolk. All aboard! Choo choo! You’ll see amazing coast and countryside depending on which route you choose.
Take a boat on the Broads
It’s a National Park with fabulous wildlife and scenery. And the best way to see it is by boat – enjoy 125 miles of navigable, lock-free waterways. Actually, to see it properly you might want to hire a boat for a week.
Best things to do in the Broads
Take part in a festival or carnival
There’s always something going on, particularly on the coast, including Summer carnivals and processions and variety shows at Cromer and Great Yarmouth.