There’s a reason there’s a Great in front of Yarmouth. Yes, it’s because it was called Magna (Great) in 1272 in the reign of Edward I, to distinguish it from Little Yarmouth, now known as Southtown across the river Yare. BUT! It could also be called Great because it’s a GREAT British seaside resort and fun runs through it like a stick of the rock you can buy on the seafront Golden Mile.
Honestly, whatever image a seaside resort conjures up in your noggin, you’ll find it here.
Miles and miles of unspoilt beach on which to build sandcastles or launch yourself into the briny? Tick.
Amusements, rides and attractions? Tick. Theatre and shows? Tick. Boat trips to see the seals? Tick.
Lawn bowls? Tick. Circus? Tick. Horseracing? Tick.
Best things to do in Great Yarmouth
Candyfloss, ice cream, fish and chips, sugared doughnuts (bet you can’t eat them without licking your lips). Tickety-tick! Only remaining wooden roller coaster of its kind in the UK (one of only eight in the world)? Yep, got that too.
You want to stick a knotted hankie on your head? You go ahead. You want to make moated sandcastles with your bucket and spade? Be our guest.
You want to send home to your friends and relatives a traditional saucy seaside postcard? Ooh, you are naughty!
No wonder Peggotty, in David Copperfield, said it was ‘the finest place in the universe’. Who’s going to argue with Charles Dickens?
PS Still on the literary theme, Robinson Crusoe author Daniel Defoe acclaimed South Quay as the ‘finest in England if not the world’ and Black Beauty author was born in Gt Yarmouth in 1820.
The first holiday camp in the UK